Know how?

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Know how?

I am an entomologist and I am currently counting individual ants for my
experiment. I thought that imageJ could help me in this task by speeding
up the process, but also deliver a fairly precise count of my ants in
the arena. manual counts are very inaccurate because the ants are moving
around. I  tried to figure out a way to use the program but I am getting
easily lost. Could any one help me or give me suggestions to how to
obtain a count of these ants. I would really appreciate it.
Thank you.
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Re: Know how?

Oscar Lage Serrano
There are several plugins like Multitracker and MTracker2 that are used for
your business.  I don't remember but one of them has an example to count
termites, and the methods to do it.

Oscar Lage Serrano

2006/10/9, Paul <[hidden email]>:

> Hello,
> I am an entomologist and I am currently counting individual ants for my
> experiment. I thought that imageJ could help me in this task by speeding
> up the process, but also deliver a fairly precise count of my ants in
> the arena. manual counts are very inaccurate because the ants are moving
> around. I  tried to figure out a way to use the program but I am getting
> easily lost. Could any one help me or give me suggestions to how to
> obtain a count of these ants. I would really appreciate it.
> Thank you.
> Paul
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Re: Know how?

Mikhail Umorin
In reply to this post by Paul-165
Just a suggestion:

if the background and ant body parts are starkly different in color or
brightness you could segment (separate) the the image and use existing
counting plugins. You don't have to isolate whole ants, but, e.g. just heads
or abdomens that would still give you the precise count.


On Mon October 9 2006 14:26, Paul wrote:

> Hello,
> I am an entomologist and I am currently counting individual ants for my
> experiment. I thought that imageJ could help me in this task by speeding
> up the process, but also deliver a fairly precise count of my ants in
> the arena. manual counts are very inaccurate because the ants are moving
> around. I  tried to figure out a way to use the program but I am getting
> easily lost. Could any one help me or give me suggestions to how to
> obtain a count of these ants. I would really appreciate it.
> Thank you.
> Paul
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Fwd: Know how?

Oscar Lage Serrano
In reply to this post by Oscar Lage Serrano
Hi Paul, the plugins that I have recomended would work with this type of
images, but you have a problem at the edges of the bottle because there are
too many ants. You'll do easier if you use a greater bottle or less amount
of ants.

Try to use the tutorial of the plugins with the termites:
see the description of the plugin..

Oscar Lage Serrano

2006/10/10, Paul <[hidden email]>:
> Hello Oscar. Please, could you tell me if it would work on the attached
> image?
> Thanx.
> Paul