LIM Tools plugin pack (for dynamic images, so far)

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LIM Tools plugin pack (for dynamic images, so far)

José María Mateos
Hello everybody,

As my PhD thesis is requiring me to code some ImageJ plugins that add
certain functionalities that I miss regarding the handling of dynamic
images (2D + time or 3D + time hyperstacks), I've grouped everything
together in this plugin pack:*

Perhaps some of these tools can be implemented as macros but I feel
more comfortable with them being plugins. The package includes the

- Average Frames: computes a new, static image, consisting on the
average of the desired frame range.
- Dynamic Pixel Inspector: this was announced in this mailing list
some time ago. It allows the user to see in real time the plot of the
time-activity of each voxel.
- Mask Dynamic Image: apply a static mask on a dynamic image.
- Measure Time Activity: measures the mean gray level for all the
(unmasked) image voxels for each frame.

All of them, except the Dynamic Pixel Inspector, use the GenericDialog
class and can be used inside macros.

So far, the tests have been correct and despite the "beta" stage of
the releases (latest is 0.0.6 at the time of this writing) there are
no serious bugs to the extent of my knowledge. If you find any, please
do not hesitate to contact me about it.

I hope these plugins are useful to people working with dynamic images.



* "LIM" stands for Laboratorio de Imagen Médica - Medical Imaging
Laboratory, where I work.

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