Hi Fred,
If you check the "Open files individually" option in the "Bio-Formats
Importer Options" window, then only the selected file will be opened
and the path displayed in the "Info" window will be that of the
selected file. You will need a trunk or daily build of loci_tools.jar
from 4 December 2009 or later in order for this to work.
On Sun, Feb 7, 2010 at 7:09 AM, suendermann
[hidden email]> wrote:
> Dear people,
> I'm writing a "pluginfilter", which should handle spine length measurement.
> For this I let my user open lsm files with LOCI... After they have done,
> they start my plugin... Now there occurs a strange thing: If in the folder
> is an *.mdb file, a menu opens and shows all lsm files... I click on "select
> all" and it behaves as normal... but if I click on "Image"->"show info..."
> the path is always the first lsm file in the directory. Doesn't matter which
> opend file I choose... What am I doing wrong? Which checkbox did I miss?
> Greetings
> Fred