LSM Reader

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LSM Reader

Ye Chen

I installed  ImageJ 1.36b. With this package, it has LSM reader installed
in plugin. However, when using this plugin to read LSM file, for 12 bit
image, it will read in as 8 bit and the image looks very funny. Does every
know about the plugin LSM reader, whether it only works for 8 bit image,
not 12 bit?  Is there any plugin available which can read 12 bit LSM image?

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Re: LSM Reader

Michael Weber-4
Hi Ye,

try the LSM Toolbox (see attached mail).

> Hello,
> I installed  ImageJ 1.36b. With this package, it has LSM reader installed
> in plugin. However, when using this plugin to read LSM file, for 12 bit
> image, it will read in as 8 bit and the image looks very funny. Does every
> know about the plugin LSM reader, whether it only works for 8 bit image,
> not 12 bit?  Is there any plugin available which can read 12 bit LSM
> image?
> Thanks
> Ye


---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------
Subject: LSMToolbox ver 4.0 is out! (previously LSM_Reader)
From:    "Patrick Pirrotte" <[hidden email]>
Date:    Thu, September 7, 2006 18:02
To:      [hidden email]


LSMToolbox version 4.0 is out!

It has evolved from the LSM_Reader which is implemented in a shortened form
in the ImageJ codebase since version 1.36b. Many of the nifty features not
available in the lightweight LSM_Reader can be found in the LSM_Toolbox.
Furthermore, I had no time to update the ImageJ integrated LSMReader yet so
it's still stuck on version 3.2g. I strongly advise you to install the
LSMToolbox as it implements the following features:

    * open compressed images (YES it finally works!!!)
    * compatible with the latest release of the Zeiss LSM file format (July
2006, version 4)
    * compatible with 8, 12 and 16 bit LSM images
    * image preview window when opening, shows first image of first image
directory from the file
    * lambda t and z-stamping
    * open stacks with HyperVolume_Browser OR Image5D if those plugins are
    * binding to LSM_Merge or LSM_Fuse if those plugins are installed
    * recoloring with the Lut_Panel plugin, if the plugin is installed
    * detailed view and extraction of acquisition data
    * a help page
    * faster than LSM_Reader version 3.2. Subjectively faster than the
native Zeiss LSM Browser ;-)
    * ... many many more...

You can find the info page is here:

The LSMToolbox can be downloaded directly from it's development site.

Please mail me for bugs reports / comments / wishes.

Best regards,

Patrick Pirrotte