LSMToolbox - read TimeIntervall from macro ?

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LSMToolbox - read TimeIntervall from macro ?

Martin Höhne
Dear list,

I can read the TimeIntervall from a Zeiss lsm timeseries file with the LSMToolbox.
Is there a way to read this variable from a macro?

Or another possible solution would be:
I know that I can get the timestamps via macro. But I only manage to get them as a single line, comma separated. What I would prefer is to get them in a single line tab separated or as a file with each timepoint a separate line. I.e. what one gets from manually clicking "Apply stamps"  > "Dump to text file". Just this function called from a macro.

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Re: LSMToolbox - read TimeIntervall from macro ?

Martin Höhne
I figured out how to get the TimeInterval value using BioFormats.
Maybe someone is interested - might be not the most elegant way, but it works.

run("Bio-Formats Macro Extensions");
path = File.openDialog("Choose a file");
Ext.getPlaneTimingDeltaT(deltaT, 1);
print (deltaT);
