Label on roi manager missing

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Label on roi manager missing

"Maria Inês G. L. Seabra"

I have imagej installed on a mac. I am using ROI Manager and I would
like that the names given to the selections would show up not only on
the list but also on the image when "show all" is activated. I read some
docs and image that this could be done with the "Label" comand that was
supposed to be under "More" in ROI maneger, but in my program this
button is missing. The options that appear under my ROI Manager-More are
the following: Open, Save, Fill, Draw, AND, OR(Combine), XOR, Split, add
particles, Multi measure, Multi Plot, Sort, Specify, Remove slice info,
help, options.
Could you help saying on can I do display roi names on the image or how
can I get the "label" option missing?
Thank you very much

Maria Inês Seabra

Laboratório de Ciências do Mar (CIEMAR) - Centro de Oceanografia
Universidade de Évora
Apartado 190
7520-903 Sines

Tel: +351 269 634 250
Fax: +351 269 862 057
Email: [hidden email]
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Re: Label on roi manager missing

Rasband, Wayne (NIH/NIMH) [E]
On May 11, 2011, at 7:48 PM, Maria Inês G. L. Seabra wrote:

> Hello,
> I have imagej installed on a mac. I am using ROI Manager and I would
> like that the names given to the selections would show up not only on
> the list but also on the image when "show all" is activated. I read some
> docs and image that this could be done with the "Label" comand that was
> supposed to be under "More" in ROI maneger, but in my program this
> button is missing. The options that appear under my ROI Manager-More are
> the following: Open, Save, Fill, Draw, AND, OR(Combine), XOR, Split, add
> particles, Multi measure, Multi Plot, Sort, Specify, Remove slice info,
> help, options.
> Could you help saying on can I do display roi names on the image or how
> can I get the "label" option missing?

The ROI Manager in the ImageJ 1.45h7 daily build has a "Use ROI names as labels" option in the More>>Options dialog box. This option enables the display of ROI names in "show all" mode. You can upgrade by using the Help>Update ImageJ command and selecting "daily build" from the drop down menu.
