Launching the BrowserLauncher from a macro?

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Launching the BrowserLauncher from a macro?

Gabriel Landini
Is it possible to use some macro function to launch the BrowserLauncher from a
macro, to open a particular html page?


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Re: Launching the BrowserLauncher from a macro?

Wayne Rasband
> Is it possible to use some macro function to launch the
> BrowserLauncher from a  macro, to open a particular html page?

Yes. The File>Import>URL command opens a URL using the users default  
browser if the URL ends in ".html" or "/". Open the URL with the  
command recorder running to generate the macro code. Here are some  

Open the ImageJ website:

      run("URL...", "url=");

Open Gabriel Landini's "Software" page:

     run("URL...", "url= 

Open an html file on a local disk using a file URL (OS X):

     run("URL...", "url=file:///Users/wayne/source/applet.html");
