Light Sheet Microscopy Workshop Geneva 2018 - Switzerland

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Light Sheet Microscopy Workshop Geneva 2018 - Switzerland

Stéphane Pagès
*Dear all,*

*We are pleased to announce that we are organizing the Wyss Center LSM
workshop <> on the
19th-20th of March 2018 at Campus Biotech, Geneva, Switzerland.*

*This will be an interactive scientific conference that aims to establish a
local network and improve exchange of ideas and technologies between
lightsheet developers and users. *

*In addition to the scientific talks, we will also have practical
demonstrations to boost interactions.*

*Please find the preliminary program here

*We encourage you to register
consider presenting a poster. Please submit abstracts by
email: [hidden email] <[hidden email]>*

*Some of the abstracts will be selected for short talks.*

*We look forward to seeing you there!*

*The Wyss Center Microscopy Team*


Stéphane Pagès, PhD

Senior Research Associate
Centre Médical Universitaire
1 rue Michel Servet
1211 Geneva 4
Tel: +41 22 379 5469
Fax: +41 22 379 5452


Staff Scientist
Wyss Center for Bio and Neuroengineering
Chemin des Mines,9
1202 Geneve
Tel: +41 58 201 03 53

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