Line lenght measurement

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Line lenght measurement

Hi All,

I need to hand draw a line along the pleura of the lung tissue to
calculate the length of it. Basically it is a calculation between two
points but I will be using a hand drawn line. In addition, if the above is
possible, is there a way to have the calculated number sent to the table
as I usually do when I hit 'Analyze' and then "Measure'.

Thank you very much for helping
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retrive the real time the image was taken

yehuda brody
I need to take the real time when an image was taken in order to make time calculation on cells movie acquired by using meta morph software. does this data saved within the tif image format, and how can I see it.
Yehuda Brody

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Re: retrive the real time the image was taken

Hi Yehuda,

TIFF supports a datestamp in an IFD field called DateTime. Depending on the
flavor of TIFF, though, this may or may not be what you are looking for. You
can use Bio-Formats to extract the creation date, timestamp offsets and
timestamp exposure times from your dataset, independent of file format.

Many formats support creation date -- and those that don't will still use
the file's last modified date as the creation date, so you will always get
something back.

The timestamp offsets and exposure times are less common. As of this
writing, the following formats support one or both of them: Deltavision DV,
IPLab, InCell 1000, Leica LEI, Metamorph TIFF, μManager, Nikon ND2, OME-XML,
OME-TIFF, PerkinElmer UltraView, TillVision, Zeiss LSM, and Zeiss ZVI.

You can see the creation date by checking the Bio-Formats Importer's
"Display OME-XML metadata" option, and looking at the <CreationDate> entry
beneath OME>Image. For the plane timings, see the <PlaneTiming> entries
under OME/Image/Pixels/Plane.

To facilitate accessing this information in a macro, I added new functions
to the Bio-Formats macro extensions today, and posted a new example macro,
planeTimings.txt, to demonstrate it at <>.

You will need the latest daily build of Bio-Formats to use the macro,
available from:

Unfortunately the trunk builds are broken right now so use the daily build
link for now.


On Thu, Dec 11, 2008 at 11:11 AM, yehuda brody <[hidden email]> wrote:

> Hello,
> I need to take the real time when an image was taken in order to make time
> calculation on cells movie acquired by using meta morph software. does this
> data saved within the tif image format, and how can I see it.
> Yehuda Brody