LiveWire Plugin updated

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LiveWire Plugin updated

Daniel Lélis Baggio
Dear all,
I have updated my plugin and now it's available as a .jar file.
I have also followed your hint and have put the complete description of the
plugin at:
The easiest bugs have been solved, but there's still room to grow.
Thanks again for the feedback!
Daniel Baggio
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Re: LiveWire Plugin updated

Tony Shepherd
looking forward to trying out the LiveWire plugin. I can't get it running
though can you help...
I've downloaded the jar file but probably that's not enough. the
'plugins->install' route requires a compiled class and the 'plugins->install
and run' route requires the source code. What can I do with the jar file on
its own?

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Re: LiveWire Plugin updated


On Fri, 29 Sep 2006, Tony Shepherd wrote:

> looking forward to trying out the LiveWire plugin. I can't get it running
> though can you help...
> I've downloaded the jar file but probably that's not enough. the
> 'plugins->install' route requires a compiled class and the 'plugins->install
> and run' route requires the source code. What can I do with the jar file on
> its own?

Place it in the plugins/ folder of your ImageJ installation, and restart
