I think you are getting the natural logarithm with that menu command.
According to the docs (
) you can simply transform to base 10 with a multiplier.
On Jun 23, 2009, at 4:42 PM, Martin, Richard W CTR USAF AFMC AFRL/RXLP
> Maybe I have missed something, but I think the LOG function under
> PROCESS-MATH-LOG does not work correctly. I am trying to take the
> LOG10
> of each of the pixels in my image. I am using the 32-bit float format.
> For instance if my pixel value is 2.01 then the LOG of it returns
> 0.670
> for that pixel. Shouldn't the correct LOG be 0.301? What am I missing
> here?
> Thanks for your help.
Ben Tupper