MRI Analysis Calculator

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MRI Analysis Calculator

David Castejón Ferrer
Good afternoon everyone,

I am currently using the plugin: MRI Analysis Calculator. We have detected
that when you obtain the T2 or ADC Calculation Result, the background takes
automatically the value that you have selected in the "clip T2 values
exceeding" option of the "T2 Calculation Parameters" Windows (even when the
background values are set to zero) and then, the representation of the
image is inversely proportional to the T2 or ADC value.

To obtain the map with intensities directly proportional to the studied
parameter, we use a tricky way: save the Calculation Result as raw data,
open the raw data as 32bit-Real, select the ROIs and delete the background
of the image with Edit/Clear Outside.

Could anyone tell us if we are doing anything wrong? or is there any easier
way to obtain the parameter map with a correct background value?

Thank you in advanced.

Best regards
David Castejón Ferrer
CAI de RMN y RSE (Ito. Pluridisciplinar)
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Paseo de Juan XXIII, 1, 28040 Madrid.
E-mail: [hidden email]
Teléfono:+34913943272 - Fax:+34913943240
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