MRI wound healing help

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MRI wound healing help

We have been trying to use the MRI wound healing macro to analyze scratch assay images. We have tried to follow the instructions on the help section of the macro. When we run the macro the tool bar displays the macro commands and the image flashes like it is processing.  At the end an empty ROI manager opens but no results table and no overlay with the "found edges" outlines.  Could someone please help us figure out what is going wrong? I tried to attach a tiff to this message but it was too big.

Many thanks!

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Re: MRI wound healing help

I am having this exact same problem...did you manage to find out what was going wrong?I am really struggling with this plugin!
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Re: MRI wound healing help

Yes, if your cells are not confluent enought it gives this problem. Also the picture needs to be focussed well 



Op 31 mei 2017 om 17:09 heeft esmart [via ImageJ] <[hidden email]> het volgende geschreven:

I am having this exact same problem...did you manage to find out what was going wrong?I am really struggling with this plugin!

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