Hi all,
I am segmenting cells from microscopy images with a custom macro using
I then record all the pixel coordinates of the cell contour and create an
ROI of the snake thanks to makeLine.
There is a linewidth of few pixels that I define also to by able to measure
fluorescence a bit inside my cell.
My macro is working fine when the contour of my cell is smaller than 200
points but above that threshold, I receive an error message saying:
From what I searched, it's seems this limit of 200 points is applied in
makePolygon. But do you know if it's possible to change this limit of 200
points in makeLine ?
ps: I thought of splitting my line in two but I would like to avoid that
because I am then measuring local curvatures and it would make the work and
post-processing much more complicated.
I thought also to downsized the image but I really would like to avoid that
too not to loose resolution.
Thank you for your answers,
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