On Saturday 20 February 2010, Centre de Quantimétrie wrote:
> Dear ImageJ users/developers,
> We have find that with the version 1.43q, the command "Make band" in
> selection menu doesn't work anymore (show message :"Distance is invalid
> :[aborted]").
> We have verified that with the 1.43m, it works perfectly.
> Here, the actions made :
> run("Boats (356K)");
> //setTool("rectangle");
> makeRectangle(174, 107, 391, 269);
> run("Make Band...");
This works under 1.43r6 (the daily build) under linux:
run("Boats (356K)");
makeRectangle(174, 107, 391, 269);
run("Make Band...", "band=15");