Marine Mammal Images

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Marine Mammal Images

Erik Eilers
I have been away for a while, and this was answered a while ago, but
have misplaced what to do with this.
I have attached two images of dolphins.  We are looking for a what to
numerically categorize the dolphins by the amount of spotting on their
bodies.  I would select the area either in front of or aft of the dorsal
fin, and analyze that section of the picture.  Is there a way that we
can then get a numerical rating on the amount of spotting on each animal?

Thanks in advance.
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Re: Marine Mammal Images

audrey karperien
Fractal dimension and lacunarity were both used to objectively characterize the differences.

Erik Eilers <[hidden email]> wrote:I have been away for a while, and this was answered a while ago, but
have misplaced what to do with this.
I have attached two images of dolphins. We are looking for a what to
numerically categorize the dolphins by the amount of spotting on their
bodies. I would select the area either in front of or aft of the dorsal
fin, and analyze that section of the picture. Is there a way that we
can then get a numerical rating on the amount of spotting on each animal?

Thanks in advance.