Dear M,
This old post might give you some inspiration:
mmb wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I'm new to ImageJ and I'm trying to figure out how to use the
> analyze>measure function for individual gridsquare selections without having
> to manually select every grid square. I need to compare fluorescence
> intensity between two pictures across the entire picture so i can then move
> the values into excel and plot the pictures against each other, and so far I
> haven't been able to find any plugins that would help. Ideally I'd like to
> have a list of intensity values for each pixel, but values per small
> gridsquare is okay too. If you know how I can at least automate/speed up the
> gridsquare selecting process or if you know of any plugins i may have
> overlooked, please let me know! I would greatly appreciate it.
> Thanks!
> M