Measure over a thershold without ROI

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Measure over a thershold without ROI


I was wondering if there was a function that alows to do intensity
measurments and statistics on a whole image but that would skip all the
pixels in that image that are below a threshold (in my case skip all the
pixel with a value of  0) ?
( I don't want/ can't create ROIs))


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Re: Measure over a thershold without ROI

Wayne Rasband
> Hello,
> I was wondering if there was a function that alows to do intensity
> measurments and statistics on a whole image but that would skip all the
> pixels in that image that are below a threshold (in my case skip all
> the
> pixel with a value of  0) ?
> ( I don't want/ can't create ROIs))

   1. Set the threshold to 1-255 in Image>Adjust>Threshold
   2. Enable "Limit to Threshold" in Analyze>Set Measurements
   3. Press "m" (Analyze>Measure)

No ROIs are required. This assumes an 8-bit image.
