Hi Declan,
the concentric circles plugin
http://rsb.info.nih.gov/ij/plugins/concentric-circles.htmlproduces an overlay, thus pure graphics, not a roi that can be
used for measuring.
You would probably have to write a macro:
For each slice
- run Find Maxima with output Single Point
- run particle analyzer on the newly created image to get the
- close the new image
- get the coordinates from the Results Table and create the
appropriate circular rois. Use setKeyDown("alt") and then make
a smaller oval roi inside the outer one to deselect the inner
disk. This gives you a ring.
Use setKeyDown("shift") if you want to add another circle to
the selection.
- do the measurement
On 22 May 2007, at 02:27, Declan James wrote:
> Hello List
> I'm stuck. I am using the FindMaxima plugin to identify many
> bright spots
> in a time series stack. I then save all the maxima to ROI manager. I
> would like to place concentric rings (2 or 3) around each maxima.
> I have
> found the concentric ring plugin but it does not appear to be able to
> position concentric rings around multiple ROI's.
> Is there a way to position concentric rings around multiple ROIs?
> In my case I have a bright flash which radiates outward a bit like
> ripples
> after throwing a stone (the maxima) into a pond. I would like to
> measure
> the average intensity for each ring around an ROI.
> Can measurements be obtained from concentric circles associated
> with an
> ROI?
> I would very much appreciate any help.
> Declan