Measuring RGB Color data within a non-rectangular ROI

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Measuring RGB Color data within a non-rectangular ROI

The title says it all. I'm attempting to write a small macro that will
segment an image, based on a SIOX file,turn it into a mask, do some
processing, and then add all the outlines in the mask as ROIs to the ROI
manager. This part, I have been able to do successfully so far.

The issue is that I'm trying to then iterate over each ROI and return a
results table, with a row for each ROI, and columns for size, Red value,
Blue value, and Green value. I know you can get size from the "measure"
command, but I haven't been able to successfully get RGB values (except in
histogram form).

Also, if the ROI is not rectangular, does it extrapolate the extreme points
and measure as if it were a rectangular ROI? I read somewhere that it does
that, but that would make this color date include a lot of the background,
which I am hoping to avoid.


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Re: Measuring RGB Color data within a non-rectangular ROI

George H
Hi Caleb,

I've encountered a similar scenario like you. What worked for me was to use
this plugin RGB Measure Plus (
It will measure the Min,Max of the RGB channels.
George H
[hidden email]

On Fri, Sep 25, 2015 at 8:09 PM, Caleb Hulbert <[hidden email]> wrote:

> The title says it all. I'm attempting to write a small macro that will
> segment an image, based on a SIOX file,turn it into a mask, do some
> processing, and then add all the outlines in the mask as ROIs to the ROI
> manager. This part, I have been able to do successfully so far.
> The issue is that I'm trying to then iterate over each ROI and return a
> results table, with a row for each ROI, and columns for size, Red value,
> Blue value, and Green value. I know you can get size from the "measure"
> command, but I haven't been able to successfully get RGB values (except in
> histogram form).
> Also, if the ROI is not rectangular, does it extrapolate the extreme points
> and measure as if it were a rectangular ROI? I read somewhere that it does
> that, but that would make this color date include a lot of the background,
> which I am hoping to avoid.
> Best,
> Caleb
> --
> ImageJ mailing list:

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