Merging Stacks of different colors

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Merging Stacks of different colors

Michael Jacobsen-3

This is a first-time post to the ImageJ list.

I have been performing timelapse studies using the MetaMorph software
package. I am looking at two channels--GFP (FITC) and mCherry (Texas Red)--
and capturing images for 12 hours at 5-minute intervals.

The captured data are stored in monochrome format. I know how to open the
data in ImageJ as stacks, but how can I do the following?
-Pseudocolor the GFP stack green and mCherry stack red?
-Merge the green stack with the red stack?
-Save the final stack as one red-green merged stack?

Thank you very much,

Michael Jacobsen
Manager, Confocal Microscopy Core Facility
Department of Pharmacology and Experimental Neuroscience
University of Nebraska, Medical Center  
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Re: Merging Stacks of different colors

Koh Geok Liang, Esther
Hello Michael,

To assign colour for each stack, click 'Image/Lookup Tables/' and choose the colour you want.

To merge the two stacks, you have to convert the stacks to RGB format:
click 'Image/Type/RGB Color'

Then merge the 2 RGB Color stacks by clicking 'Process/Image Calculator'
This brings up a pop-up window for you to choose the stacks you want to 'add'

You can save the merged stack as a tiff file.

Esther Koh
Institute of Medical Biology
8A Biomedical Grove
#06-06 Immunos
Singapore 138648

-----Original Message-----
From: ImageJ Interest Group on behalf of Michael Jacobsen
Sent: Wed 10/31/2007 10:02 PM
To: [hidden email]
Subject: Merging Stacks of different colors

This is a first-time post to the ImageJ list.

I have been performing timelapse studies using the MetaMorph software
package. I am looking at two channels--GFP (FITC) and mCherry (Texas Red)--
and capturing images for 12 hours at 5-minute intervals.

The captured data are stored in monochrome format. I know how to open the
data in ImageJ as stacks, but how can I do the following?
-Pseudocolor the GFP stack green and mCherry stack red?
-Merge the green stack with the red stack?
-Save the final stack as one red-green merged stack?

Thank you very much,

Michael Jacobsen
Manager, Confocal Microscopy Core Facility
Department of Pharmacology and Experimental Neuroscience
University of Nebraska, Medical Center  
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Re: Merging Stacks of different colors

Hi Michael,

Another, simpler option if you just want to merge them into a single
red/green stack is to use Image/Color/RGB Merge... on the two
monochrome stacks. But Esther's technique allows you to merge stacks
with any color mapping, rather than just red, green and blue.


On 10/31/07, Koh Geok Liang, Esther <[hidden email]> wrote:

> Hello Michael,
> To assign colour for each stack, click 'Image/Lookup Tables/' and choose the colour you want.
> To merge the two stacks, you have to convert the stacks to RGB format:
> click 'Image/Type/RGB Color'
> Then merge the 2 RGB Color stacks by clicking 'Process/Image Calculator'
> This brings up a pop-up window for you to choose the stacks you want to 'add'
> You can save the merged stack as a tiff file.
> cheers,
> Esther Koh
> Institute of Medical Biology
> 8A Biomedical Grove
> #06-06 Immunos
> Singapore 138648
> -----Original Message-----
> From: ImageJ Interest Group on behalf of Michael Jacobsen
> Sent: Wed 10/31/2007 10:02 PM
> To: [hidden email]
> Subject: Merging Stacks of different colors
> Hello,
> This is a first-time post to the ImageJ list.
> I have been performing timelapse studies using the MetaMorph software
> package. I am looking at two channels--GFP (FITC) and mCherry (Texas Red)--
> and capturing images for 12 hours at 5-minute intervals.
> The captured data are stored in monochrome format. I know how to open the
> data in ImageJ as stacks, but how can I do the following?
> -Pseudocolor the GFP stack green and mCherry stack red?
> -Merge the green stack with the red stack?
> -Save the final stack as one red-green merged stack?
> Thank you very much,
> Michael Jacobsen
> Manager, Confocal Microscopy Core Facility
> Department of Pharmacology and Experimental Neuroscience
> University of Nebraska, Medical Center