On Feb 13, 2009, at 7:42 AM, marialuisa malosio wrote:
> Dear Image J community,
> I have some troubles in using the ROI manager on stacks of images. If I
> select the command to show all objects how do I revert things to the
> previous situation in which I visualize only the ROI associated with
> one
> stack level? Is there somewhere a tutorial on how to use the ROI
> manager?
The "Show All" button in the ROI Manager both enables and disables
"show all" mode. Enable "Associate 'Show All' ROIs with Slices" in the
More>>Options dialog box and, in "show all" mode, you will only see the
ROIs that are associated with the current slice.
> Another problem I have is with generation of stacks. I normally open
> all
> the images in the order I want them to appear in the stack and then
> ask to
> transform file into stack. Is there a way to generate a stack by
> opening
> files in a batch or by asking the programme to generate a stack from
> all
> files contained in a folder?
You can open a folder of images as a stack by dragging and dropping it
onto the "ImageJ" window.