On May 8, 2009, at 3:08 PM, Jean Pierre CLAMME wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a 4 channels x 8 z planes hyperstack that I visualize as a
> composite image.
> I tried to do a montage of one of the z plane and what I get is an
> image showing channel 2 to 4 in there right color but channel 1 is
> replaced by the composite overlay image.
> Also I noticed that when I define the start and end slice for the
> montage,
> it doesn't reefer to the actual slice in the whole hyperstack but to
> the
> channel numbers of the z plane I'm visualizing. Therefore if I define
> the
> end to 6 for example 1 will see the 4 channels + 2 blank images.
> Is this normal ?
To create a montage of a single Z plane, use Image>Hyperstacks>Reduce
Dimensionality to extract the Z plane and then run Make Montage. To
create montage of selected Z planes, use Image>Type>RGB Color to
convert the hyperstack to RGB and then run Make Montage. The Make
Montage command in v1.42o, when it detects a hyperstack, will display
instructions on how to prepare it. The Make Montage command in v1.42o
also acquires a keyboard shortcut: shift+m.