MouseMove Troubles

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MouseMove Troubles

Hey guys,

I'm an undergraduate student working in a neuroscience lab that is
interested in using an ImageJ plugin associated with MouseMove seen:  here
<>  . We
have the most updated version of Fiji (ImageJ), as shown here:


We also have the requisite stackreg and turboreg plugins in the plugin
folder, and the preprocessing macro located in the macro folder.

This program uses two videos to generate a .txt with relevant data to rodent
tracking, which is later processed by MouseMove.exe. However, we have yet to
get this far.

We have rendered the two supplementary videos used to test the preprocessor
into the correct frame rate, and size using the online converter found:
here <>  . We then used the
ffmpeg command "ffmpeg -i infile.avi -pix_fmt nv12 -f avi -vcodec rawvideo
outfile.avi" found  here
to obtain the necessary compression for ImageJ to run the files.

Upon running the macro, the log reads:

Start batch preprocessing...
All files in the directory are completed!

This is the end message programmed into the preprocessing macro, the output
of which should be a file with the name Tkresults_mouse.txt -- however, a
total computer search does not yield this text file. This suggests that all
though the log indicates that the program was completed, and no errors were
given, that the preprocessing macro still failed to produce the necessary
.txt file for MouseMove.exe to interpret.

I've been working on this for nearly ten hours. I tried contacting the
corresponding author, but have yet to receive a reply.

I am hoping that someone might see what the issue is, and be able to offer
some advice. I very much appreciate any help.

Thank you,

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Quick Update

Update: I have also tried the example videos provided by the corresponding
Author on their ResearchGate page. They are both in avi format to start
with, and should, hypothetically, not require any processing. Instead of the
macro completing for this set of videos, however, I receive the error:
"Unrecognized command: Stackreg," despite Stackreg and Turboreg both being
located in the plugin folder (and despite receiving an error free completion
message in the log when using the videos we processed into the correct
format ourselves.)

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