On Jul 8, 2014, at 5:29 AM, Hanna Sas Nowosielska wrote:
> Dear Image J users,
> I have a very basic question concerning measuring intensity. I have ImageJ
> 2.0.0-rc-8/1.49c and I would like to measure mean intensity in a roi in
> multi-channel images so that each channel would be displayed in different
> column in Results window. Could you please suggest me whether it is
> possible and if yes how can I execute it.
Here is a macro that does this:
Stack.getDimensions(width, height, channels, slices, frames);
row = nResults;
for (c=1; c<= channels; c++) {
getStatistics(area, mean);
setResult("C"+c+"-Mean", row, mean);
Instructions on how to run macros can be found at
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