Multinucleate automatic cell counting?

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Multinucleate automatic cell counting?

I am trying to automate image analysis for high-throughput scoring of cells, where I would like to extract the percentage of multinucleate versus mononucleate cells.  I have used the BioVoxxel plugin to select cell bodies (as objects) from one binary image layer using a DAPI nuclear stain binary image layer (as selector) to weed out dead cells.  

This worked well, but now I want extract information about multinuclearity:

    1)  How many nuclei (from binary DAPI image) overlap with the cell body (from binary cell body image, TRITC channel, labeling cells of interest in contrast to other cells in a co-culture)

    2)  For each overlapping nucleus, does it lie on the border of the cell body (since these may not be a part of the cell of interest, and I will have to either manually check them or work out an automated method to exclude the possibility they are from a different type of cell than the one I am interested in)?

I imagine it would not be too difficult to code, but I was wondering if anyone knows of a plugin that can already do this?

Many thanks for any help!

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Re: Multinucleate automatic cell counting?

Hi Justin,

Since you have your information already as binary images and have used the
BioVoxxel toolbox successfully on them, I am pretty sure that the "Speckle
Inspector" does exactly what you need to answer your first question.
With the "Binary Feature Extractor" you actually could eliminate those
nuclei which touch your multinucleated cell only marginally and most likely
are not part of them. Therefore, you would need to figure out a percentage
of overlap which might be considered showing an internal nucleus vs. one
which is too little. Therefore, you need to specify the nuclei as objects
and the cells as selectors to be able to extract them according to this

If you post an image from each channel here, I might be able to comment
more on that.


2015-01-05 19:49 GMT+01:00 CytoSpace <[hidden email]>:

> I am trying to automate image analysis for high-throughput scoring of
> cells,
> where I would like to extract the percentage of multinucleate versus
> mononucleate cells.  I have used the BioVoxxel plugin to select cell bodies
> (as objects) from one binary image layer using a DAPI nuclear stain binary
> image layer (as selector) to weed out dead cells.
> This worked well, but now I want extract information about multinuclearity:
>     1)  How many nuclei (from binary DAPI image) overlap with the cell body
> (from binary cell body image, TRITC channel, labeling cells of interest in
> contrast to other cells in a co-culture)
>     2)  For each overlapping nucleus, does it lie on the border of the cell
> body (since these may not be a part of the cell of interest, and I will
> have
> to either manually check them or work out an automated method to exclude
> the
> possibility they are from a different type of cell than the one I am
> interested in)?
> I imagine it would not be too difficult to code, but I was wondering if
> anyone knows of a plugin that can already do this?
> Many thanks for any help!
> Justin
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