i have just released program Multiple Image Processing Application. You can find it
here MIPA. This program using ImageJ as library.
Very much thanks for your support! I hope it will be useful, and it is :)
For ImageJ users: i spent a lot of time searching in ImageJ API and internet so there is my 3-month work with ImageJ as library. If you plan to use ImageJ as library i think it will definitely help you. Or if you need support just mail me.
Here are some functions of MIPA, remember you can allways work with many images
* process images larger than 100 MiB
* user can work with 8 images in one view
* changes made on images remains in view
* color correction, brightness, contrast, rotate, resize, sharpen, blur, despeckle
* apply default filter on all images
* histogram
* EXIF informations of image
* saving as JPEG, PNG, BMP, TIFF, GIF type
* opening images filters by type, size, width and height of image
* creating web presentation using templates
* draw copyright to images
* upload to FTP server
* saving projects