Multiple lines on the same plot

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Multiple lines on the same plot

I would like to plot multiple lines on the same plot but have not been
successful.  I have tried

Plot Resp = new Plot("Results", "Time interval between frames", "SUV*1000",
time, a);
Resp.addPoints(time, c, 0);;

with "a" and "c" being float arrays, and have found only "a" being plotted.  
How can I plot with both arrays on the same plot?

Alphonso Magri
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Re: Multiple lines on the same plot

Wayne Rasband
> I would like to plot multiple lines on the same plot
> but have not been successful.  I have tried
> Plot Resp = new Plot("Results", "Time interval between frames",
> "SUV*1000",
> time, a);
> Resp.addPoints(time, c, 0);
> with "a" and "c" being float arrays, and have found only "a"
> being plotted.  How can I plot with both arrays on the same plot?

There is an example plugin at

that creates a plot with multiple lines. You might want to also check
out the plotting macros at

I found these examples by using my browser to search the plugins page
( and macros page
( for the word "plot".
