Dear colleagues,
NEUBIAS, the Network of European BioImage Analysts, a recently created network funded by the COST framework, is very glad to communicate the start of its activities which will evolve over the next 4 years.
The first Activity is a Training School in BioImage Analysis for Facility Staff, to enable Core Specialists to become more proficient at custom Image Analysis and Workflows construction (theory and applications, hands-on, scientific programming, ImageJ- and Matlab- based primarily).
The course will be held in Barcelona on 13-16th of September, hosted and co-organized by the University Pompeu Fabra (Dr. Chong Zhang), and by the Training Workgroup within NEUBIAS (Dr. Gaby Martins and Dr. Fabrice Cordelières + co-workers)
- Registration is open as of today (selection based).
- Within the COST framework, a few travel grants are offered to applicants.
- Registration deadline: 15th of July, 2016.
- Selection notification: 19th of July, 2016.
More information on our preliminary web:
(-> “Training Schools”)
NEUBIAS aims to promote the mutual communication between Life Scientists, Instrumentalists, Developers and BioImage Analysts and to establish and promote the role of Bioimage Analysts in Life Science.
Gathering, as of June 2016, more than 100 members in 33 European countries, the network will implement:
- A training programme with 3 levels (Early Career, Facility, Analysts), 15 Training Schools for about 400 trainees.
- An events series (yearly conference, workshops, Taggathons)
- Online Resources: Repository of tools and workflows, Benchmarking and Sample datasets, Training material and Open Textbook.
- A Short Term Scientific Mission mobility programme for Scientists to visit Host Labs and get in depth insights into cutting edge Image Analysis technology.
- Outreach material and other stuff.
More Information on our preliminary web:
On behalf of all NEUBIAS members,
Julien Colombelli, Chair
Kota Miura, Vice-Chair
Perrine Paul-Gilloteaux, Webtool WG4 Leader
Sébastien Tosi, Benchmarking & Sample Datasets WG5 Leader
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