NanoJ-Fluidics (aka Pumpy McPumpface): an ImageJ and LEGO based fluidics system for microscopy

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NanoJ-Fluidics (aka Pumpy McPumpface): an ImageJ and LEGO based fluidics system for microscopy

Hi everyone,

I wanted to make a small highlight on a recent pre-print from our lab and
Christophe Leterrier's. It's a new open-source and easy-to-build LEGO based
fluidics system, designed to be controlled by ImageJ/Fiji/Micro-Manager and
run on any microscope. We've used it to demonstrate automated live-to-fixed
super-resolution and the automated capacity to super-resolve an unlimited
number of protein species using DNA-PAINT.

Check it out, it's now in bioRxiv:

Full instructions on how to build it can be found in:

All the best,
Ricardo Henriques, Associate Professor
MRC-Laboratory for Molecular Cell Biology
University College London
Gower Street, London WC1E 6BT, UK
Twitter: @HenriquesLab <>

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