Nearest Neighbor - WITHOUT binary images

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Nearest Neighbor - WITHOUT binary images


I'm working on quantifying distribution of exoskeletons inside a gall- they
may be clustered or more random. I was led to using the nearest neighbor
method for this.

Most imageJ plug-ins and procedures I've come across only process nearest
neighbor points with a binary image. This doesn't work for my images.

Is there a plug-in that can do a similar process without a binary image?


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Re: Nearest Neighbor - WITHOUT binary images

 Hi sparker26,

You can try to use first Process >Find Maxima, optimize the point count
using the noise tolerance an choosing Maxima with tolerance as an output.
This might give you binary particles which you can use with any neareat
neighbor plugin you tried so far. If the specified areas ate completely odd
and your cells are rather homogenious in size you could try "Ultimate
Points " as output and threshold those points with a manual threshold set
to 1 and 255. Then continue with the nearest neighbor plugin.

But be aware that your object has a curvature which will influence the
accuracy of your analysis

Hope this helps getting started.

Kind regards,

2018-08-14 22:16 GMT+02:00 sparker26 <
[hidden email]>:

> Hi,
> I'm working on quantifying distribution of exoskeletons inside a gall- they
> may be clustered or more random. I was led to using the nearest neighbor
> method for this.
> Most imageJ plug-ins and procedures I've come across only process nearest
> neighbor points with a binary image. This doesn't work for my images.
> Is there a plug-in that can do a similar process without a binary image?
> <>
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