Nearest Neighbour Analysis

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Nearest Neighbour Analysis

David W. Robinson
Hi there,

We have 2D images of neurons and we would like to conduct a nearest
neighbor analysis. We can use point picker to get the XY coordinates of
the cell bodies we wish to analyze but have not yet found a plugin or
method for using ImageJ to compute the nearest neighbor value. Does
anyone know how we can achieve this in either ImageJ or with some other

Thank you


David W. Robinson, Ph.D.
Vice Provost for Academic Technology
Assistant Professor and Director, Educational Communications
Center for Research on Occupational and Environmental Toxicology, L606
Oregon Health & Science University
3181 Sam Jackson Park Road
Portland OR 97239

Tel 503-494-7361
Fax 503-494-4352

[hidden email]          
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Re: Nearest Neighbour Analysis

Michael Miller

I've written a number of plugins for ImageJ in Java that: trace pixel
neighborhoods on a greyscale image to try to find the nearest local maxima,
search skeletal branchings for the nearest "node", as well as looked at
mesh/particle components. So I strongly suspect what you are trying to do
can be done within ImageJ.

I think generally the best advice at this stage would be for you to post a
few links to some of your images that represent a good sample of what you
have. Then I can at least respond more completely. If you're tracing along
neuron network connections, then I can almost definately help you. :-)

If your pictured neurons are isolated, my first guess would be to use the
Particle Analyzer to identify the exact single-coordinate centers of each
neuron, construct a list of those centers, and then at that point a first
year Informatics student could pair up all the closest neurons :-)

-Mike Miller
[hidden email]

----- Original Message -----
From: "David W. Robinson" <[hidden email]>
To: <[hidden email]>
Sent: Thursday, November 02, 2006 4:43 PM
Subject: Nearest Neighbour Analysis

> Hi there,
> We have 2D images of neurons and we would like to conduct a nearest
> neighbor analysis. We can use point picker to get the XY coordinates of
> the cell bodies we wish to analyze but have not yet found a plugin or
> method for using ImageJ to compute the nearest neighbor value. Does anyone
> know how we can achieve this in either ImageJ or with some other program?
> Thank you
> David
> --
> David W. Robinson, Ph.D.
> Vice Provost for Academic Technology
> Assistant Professor and Director, Educational Communications
> Center for Research on Occupational and Environmental Toxicology, L606
> Oregon Health & Science University
> 3181 Sam Jackson Park Road
> Portland OR 97239
> Tel 503-494-7361
> Fax 503-494-4352
> [hidden email]