New 3D Viewer version

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New 3D Viewer version

Benjamin Schmid-2
Dear all,

I'm glad to finally, after such a long time, anounce a new version
of the 3D Viewer. It is available at the website
( and also via the Fiji updater.

Here a brief summary of what has changed after the last release
in October:

- Support for exporting meshes to .u3d files, which can be embedded
  into PDFs, allowing for interactive 3D content in PDFs (using
  Adobe's Acrobat Reader) (find a screencast at
- Allow to change light color and intensity of the 3D universe.
- Volume renderings can now be 'saturated': This mode provides a better
  visualization of thin fibres in images (thanks to Stephan Saalfeld)
- Support for a new Content type, MultiOrthoslices (with help from Albert
- The color of landmark points can now be changed, thanks to Johannes Schindelin
- New controllable mesh smoothing (thanks to Albert Cardona)
- Fullscreen support.
- A 'Take snapshot' menu item which lets you choose the target image size.
- Replace AWT with Swing for the GUI.
- Syncing of several 3D Viewer windows.
- Several menu items like 'Change Color' will now work without selectiing an
  object, if only one object is present.
- Transfer functions: Arbitrary transfer functions for each individual channel
  (find a screencast at
- Reader and exporter for the STL format (thanks to Michael Doube)
- Calibration ticks on bounding boxes
- Several bug fixes

Thanks again to all the people who contributed to that work, and also to
the people from Madison who hosted the last hackathon, were most of the
work was done.
