Dear ImageJ users,
again in the hope that it is also useful for other ImageJ users i released a new Windows version
of the ecological modeling tool Bio7 which is based on ImageJ 1.41o and embedds R 2.8.0.
In this release you can now transfer images as bytes, integers or doubles to R and vice versa from
R to ImageJ: i implemented a GUI for a cluster method in R ("clara") which can be used to cluster
images from ImageJ and for the method "princomp" (Pca) to create images from a Pca analysis: addition the R shell now offers several new functionalities to display data attributes
and plot data. Furthermore context information about some R commands is also available: fullscreen feature and a scanner and camera access is also implemented in this new version.
A short documentation will be soon available.
For more information about the new features of Bio7 1.3 read the
Release notes.
With kind regards