Newbee Quick Question on Image Calculation

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Newbee Quick Question on Image Calculation

I stumbled on ImageJ and think it might be of use.  I have some programming experience, but I am know nothing on ImageJ yet.

I am working on a special camera for looking at plant stress.  The camera takes a picture where visible light goes into the blue channel and near infrared into the red channel.  One way to measure plant stress is something called NDVI which is (IR-Visible)/(IR+Visible).  In this case, it would be (Red-Blue)/(Red+Blue).  Result will be between +1.0 and -1.0.  

I would like to process the image with this calculation and display a new image.  Perhaps 100% blue would equal -1.0 and  +1.0 = 100% red.  So, 0 = 50% red, 50% blue.

Can someone give me a pointer on how to start?