Dear All, specially Thorsten Wagner,
I have identified a situation in which, apparently, the NLM filter cretes noise
in an image, instead of reducing it.
Specifically, this happens for color images for which Auto Sigma = 6 and we used
Sigma = 3. An example can be found in the following Dropbox folder:
ImageJ List
Shared with Dropbox
Any comments?
Thank you very much!Prof. Sidnei PaciornikGrupo de Análise de Imagens e
Microscopia Digital
DEQM - Departamento de Engenharia Química e de Materiais
Rua Marquês de São Vicente 225
Prédio Leme, Sala 501L
Gávea - Rio de Janeiro - RJ
22451-900 - Brasil
tel: (55)(21)3527-1243
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