God day Noname,
is this
str_list = newArray(1); // strings
num_list = newArray(1); // numbers
str_list[0] = "" + str_fx("TEST");
num_list[0] = num_fx(9);
function str_fx (string) {
string += "fx";
return string;
function num_fx (num) {
return num*num;
what you wish to achieve?
Am 21.10.16 um 18:36 schrieb sokipdx:
> I am trying to assign an element of an array to a user-defined function that
> returns a string, but I get an error when I run this code:
> str_list = newArray(1); // strings
> num_list = newArray(1); // numbers
> str_list[0] = str_fx("TEST");
> num_list[0] = num_fx(9);
> function str_fx (string) {
> return string+"fx";
> }
> function num_fx (num) {
> return num*num;
> }
> I get the error:
> Numeric return value expected in the following line:
> str_list[0] = str_fx("TEST" <)>;
> Oddly, the num_fx function that returns a number works when assigning to an
> array element.
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