OD calibration

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OD calibration


at present i work with 8bit  x-ray images of grains. i'd like to
calibrate optical density on the basis of image containing special
produced marker with 5 steps of depth(so minimal brightnes values of
pixels in first step of  "marker stairs" are in range 5 to 10 higher
than background generated on detector and upper value is in the range
20-50 lower than maximum of absorption( maximum is about 255). i was
trying to fix curve according to exponential function, i taught it
should be correct, like in Bouguer-Lambert-Beer's law, but x-ray images
of small botanical objects are poor in dynamic and contrast, so i
receive the values of OD in very tight interval.

anyone has any suggestion which function i should use to fit curve to
expose differences of optical density in x-ray image for comparison with
values of other properties measured with other methods?

thanks in advance,
once more i want to say my great thanks for such excellent software.

