Object Identifier Question

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Object Identifier Question

Dan Loewen

  My name is Dan Loewen, and I am fairly new to ImageJ.  A friend and I are
writing a plugin that will do photometry on a image, and we would like to do
this automatically (without too much used input).  My question is: Is there
a way to automatically detect all the objects in an image, with minimal to
no user input?  I have identified all the objects by adjusting the
threshold, then using the particle analyzer, but I would like to be able to
do that, WITHOUT the user having to fool around with the threshold.

  Any help would be greatly appreciated, and thanks!

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Re: Object Identifier Question

Albert Cardona

"Objects" in an image are in the eye of the beholder, or what is the
same, in the adjument parameters of your segmentation algorithm. There
is no silver bullet.

If you fine-tune your plugin to a particular set of images, then you may
be able to predefine the minimum and maximum size of objects as they
appear given a certain threshold.

Or, you can iterate all possible thresholds and then keep the set of
objects that fits your predefined model of what should be in the image,
whatever that model is.

Hope it helps.
