Hi everyone,
I would like to measure the occupation area of black pixels inside every square lattice
which are drawn in an image.
What I want to do is:
1. Binarization of the image
2. Draw the grid over the image
3. Labeling of every square lattices
4. Obtain the occupation area of black pixels inside every square lattices
I could do step1. and step2.
After an image was binarized, the grid was drawn.
I drew the grid to the picture by using the plugin 'grid'.
But I have troubles how to proceed step3. and step4.
Probably someone has already dealt this problem.
But I'm very new to imagej, and I could not have found the solution of this problem.
If someone know how to measure the area of black pixels
inside every square lattices drawn in the picture,
and obtain the correspondence in the measurement result and the labels of
each square lattices, please tell me.