> Dear all:
> I need extract the red channel from image obtained by scanning using
> RGB (48 bits/16 b per channel, TIFF format); i.e., I need to keep
> onluy the red channel from the RGB TIF image I have.
> please, hoe could I have this with ImageJ?
> Thank you very much!!
ImageJ opens 16-bits/channel RGB TIFFs as 3-slice 16-bit stacks. You
can extract the red channel using the Image>Duplicate command or by
using the Image>Stacks>Convert Stack to Images command.
ImageJ 1.38n, due next week, opens 48-bit TIFFs as 16-bits per channel
color images. The B&C tool separately adjust the channels of these
images and Save As>Tiff saves them as 48-bit TIFFs. There is an example
48-bit TIFF at <