Opening multiple/colored 16bit tifs

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Opening multiple/colored 16bit tifs

Stefan Woerz
Dear all,

I think there is a bug when opening multiple 16bit 3D-tif images using
File->Open (JFileChooser).

In general, opening colored 16bit 3D images results in three separate stacks for
red, green, and blue channels. However, if you open multiple 16bit 3D images and
at least one of them has three color channels, all other images with only one
color channel (i.e. pure grey-scale images) also open three separate stacks
(instead of one) for the different color channels. Since these are not available
all three stacks show identical information.

Second, opening a colored 16bit 2D image opens a stack with three identical
colored images instead of either one colored image or three images showing the
differnt color channels.

I tried this on ImageJ version 1.38r on Linux.

Best wishes,


Dr. Stefan Wörz

University of Heidelberg, BIOQUANT, IPMB, and DKFZ Heidelberg
Dept. Bioinformatics & Functional Genomics
Biomedical Computer Vision Group

Im Neuenheimer Feld 267 (BIOQUANT, 3rd floor, room 342)
69120 Heidelberg, Germany

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