Opening of RoiSet files

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Opening of RoiSet files

Dear list remembers

I seem to have some problems with opening saved RoiSet files. I wrote a macro for somebody to analyse a set of images and save for each images the ROI settings. If they try to open them in the ROI manager to check the results it shows for all the RoiSet files the same data. I noticed that if I close the ROI manager or I select Delete within the ROI manager before opening (via Open or drag and drop) the next RoiSet file it opens the right data. I know, when I run a macro to do this I "reset" the roiManager, but I would expect if I open a new file into the ROI manager to see its data. I have the feeling I have seen a post about this before but could not find it in the mailing list.

Is this intended behaviour or a bug?

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Re: Opening of RoiSet files

Peter Haub
Hi Kees,

if you are opening several archives at the same time (e.g. by
d&d) all roi's will be loaded into the RoiManager ..
and all roi's will be displayed together.
Indeed you have to close the RoiManager or you have to delete all roi's
before opening a new archive.

There is only one RoiManager instance per running IJ application.
If you would like to compare different images with their roi's
simultaneously you can start multiple IJ application to open the data
(image + roi's) separately.


On 01.07.2011 00:57, Straatman, Kees R. (Dr.) wrote:
> Dear list remembers
> I seem to have some problems with opening saved RoiSet files. I wrote a macro for somebody to analyse a set of images and save for each images the ROI settings. If they try to open them in the ROI manager to check the results it shows for all the RoiSet files the same data. I noticed that if I close the ROI manager or I select Delete within the ROI manager before opening (via Open or drag and drop) the next RoiSet file it opens the right data. I know, when I run a macro to do this I "reset" the roiManager, but I would expect if I open a new file into the ROI manager to see its data. I have the feeling I have seen a post about this before but could not find it in the mailing list.
> Is this intended behaviour or a bug?
> Thanks
> Kees
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Re: Opening of RoiSet files

Sorry Wayne, maybe I was not clear, but  the user opens some of the RoiSet files manually for quality control. If I write it into a macro it works fine because of 'roiManager("reset");'.

The answer from Peter makes it clear. I did not realize that successive opened RoiSet files are loaded all together in the RoiManager (we have large number of ROI, so did not see it). So they have to delete all ROI before opening the next.

Thanks for the quick response.


-----Original Message-----
From: ImageJ Interest Group [mailto:[hidden email]] On Behalf Of Peter Haub
Sent: 01 July 2011 06:50
To: [hidden email]
Subject: Re: Opening of RoiSet files

Hi Kees,

if you are opening several archives at the same time (e.g. by
d&d) all roi's will be loaded into the RoiManager ..
and all roi's will be displayed together.
Indeed you have to close the RoiManager or you have to delete all roi's
before opening a new archive.

There is only one RoiManager instance per running IJ application.
If you would like to compare different images with their roi's
simultaneously you can start multiple IJ application to open the data
(image + roi's) separately.


On 01.07.2011 00:57, Straatman, Kees R. (Dr.) wrote:
> Dear list remembers
> I seem to have some problems with opening saved RoiSet files. I wrote a macro for somebody to analyse a set of images and save for each images the ROI settings. If they try to open them in the ROI manager to check the results it shows for all the RoiSet files the same data. I noticed that if I close the ROI manager or I select Delete within the ROI manager before opening (via Open or drag and drop) the next RoiSet file it opens the right data. I know, when I run a macro to do this I "reset" the roiManager, but I would expect if I open a new file into the ROI manager to see its data. I have the feeling I have seen a post about this before but could not find it in the mailing list.
> Is this intended behaviour or a bug?
> Thanks
> Kees
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ImageJ connection to OpenOffice Calc

Peter Haub
Dear list,

I have used OpenOffice Calc to automatically create spreadsheets by
ImageJ plugins.
Maybe this code can be useful for somebody out there.

If OpenOffice is installed on your MS Windows systems in the default
path "C:\Program Files\ 3", then simply copy the complete
folder \ConnectOO to your ImageJ plugins folder, restart ImageJ and
start the plugin 'Test_OpenOSpreadS'.
This demo will open the spreadsheet and insert some numbers, an image
and will create one chart.
(If OpenOffice is installed in a different location the String
'oooExeFolder' has to modified in the '' and the
plugin has to be re-compiled.)

The demo plugin 'Test_OpenOSpreadS' uses the subclass
'OpenOSpreadS.class' which contains the most important functions to
establish the connection between ImageJ and OpenOffice and to manipulate
the spreadsheet tables.
Please have a look into the description in ''.
(For detailed information please refer to the OpenOffice API documentation.)

The connection is not very fast. Therefor it can take some time to
create very complex spreadsheets. Also be a little patient while the
connection will be closed - otherwise you will see some OO-Error messages.
But nevertheless this can be used as a nice reporting tool.

I'm sorry not to be able to test on other OS then Windows.

The files can be found on
