Dear Guillaume,
in this case I would draw a line from (0,heigth)-(0,0) do a reslice
[/] with "width" slices and "flip rotate" to get a yz stack.
Jürgen Gluch
Kötitzer Str. 9f / 01445 Radebeul / Deutschland
Mobil: +49 (0)176 2297 1673
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2014-03-25 18:20 GMT+01:00 Guillaume Allio <
[hidden email]>:
> Dear all,
> I have a Z-stack file and I'm using "Image >> Stacks >> Orthogonal views" to see orthogonal views. I want to scan the xy view and get the result in the yz view as a movie. Is it possible to do that? In case it's possible, could you explain me how?
> Thanks in advance.
> Guillaume ALLIO
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