Outline coordinates

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Outline coordinates

Dear all,

I am looking for a way to extract outline coordinates for several hundred images, each of which contains a single black object on a white background.

I'm a complete noob to ImageJ, and advanced image analysis more generally. I've discovered the Wand tool (which reliable outlines the object) and File > Save As > XY Coordinates. So that's a start. I tried the WandAutoMeasureTool macro - but this all gave me area and perimeter, not coordinates. I have two specific questions I need answering in order to progress with ImageJ:

1) Is there anyway to automate the above process for batches of images. Having to manually click the object then go through the file saving process is time consuming. I tried recording a macro, but as the filename for the exported measurements wasn't changing it the results were overwritten. It would also be beneficial if the coordinates for each image were in a single file with the filename next to each coordinate.

2) Is it possible to specify how many points are plotted along an outline. ImageJ seems to allocate 1000+ points for my objects, whereas a few hundred would be sufficient for my ends.

Many thanks in advance of useful replies!