Oval profile‏ plugin

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Oval profile‏ plugin

Dear all users,

      I've downloaded the plugin of oval profile and tried to use it . However,
how can I know the x, y coordinate of my ring according to this profile? Or where
does zero degree start? Can I make it start from some other points (for example:
due west)? Also, if I want to show all the profiles of several concentric rings in the
same figure, is it possible to do??

Thanks so much,
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Re: Oval profile‏ plugin

Dear Cobie,

"Oval Profile Plot"-plugin provides at least three modes of operation.

If you're interested in _integrals_ along circles or parts of circles as
a function of the radius you may have a look at Philippe Carl's "Radial
Profile Extended"-plugin.

If you're interested in _profiles_ along circles or parts of circles,
I'm not aware of any other IJ-plugin.



On 16.03.14 14:40, CobieHo wrote:

> Dear all users,
>        I've downloaded the plugin of oval profile and tried to use it .
> However,
> how can I know the x, y coordinate of my ring according to this profile? Or
> where
> does zero degree start? Can I make it start from some other points (for
> example:
> due west)? Also, if I want to show all the profiles of several concentric
> rings in the
> same figure, is it possible to do??
> Thanks so much,
> Cobie
> --
> View this message in context: http://imagej.1557.x6.nabble.com/Oval-profile-plugin-tp5006940.html
> Sent from the ImageJ mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
> --
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