Painting on AVI

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Painting on AVI

Nicholas J. Stam
Hi all-

I am a new member to the group and I was wondering if anyone would be able
to help me with a problem I have been having.

I am using ImageJ to track cell movement, and importing avi microscope
videos by the AVI reader plug-in. I am measuring the movement of these cells
by distance and angle. Therefore, it is useful to mark a starting point,
which I was attempting to do with the paintbrush tool. However, the
paintbrush marks only the current frame of the video, and as I skip ahead
through the video to find when the cell movement stops for my measurement,
the mark disappears, and I am not able to measure the movement accurately.

Is it possible to apply a mark to more than one frame? Does anyone have any
ideas or solutions?

Nick Stam
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Re: Painting on AVI

Bill Mohler
If you use a line selection to mark the start, and then Ctrl-D to
draw the actual marker pixels on a slice, you can flip through the
stack and add the same mark to any slice you like.  Just do Ctrl-D
each time you want to leave the mark.

If you want to mark them all, you can use the Slice-labeler macro and
a text character to leave your mark in all frames.

>Hi all-
>I am a new member to the group and I was wondering if anyone would be able
>to help me with a problem I have been having.
>I am using ImageJ to track cell movement, and importing avi microscope
>videos by the AVI reader plug-in. I am measuring the movement of these cells
>by distance and angle. Therefore, it is useful to mark a starting point,
>which I was attempting to do with the paintbrush tool. However, the
>paintbrush marks only the current frame of the video, and as I skip ahead
>through the video to find when the cell movement stops for my measurement,
>the mark disappears, and I am not able to measure the movement accurately.
>Is it possible to apply a mark to more than one frame? Does anyone have any
>ideas or solutions?
>Nick Stam