Dear all,
We have encounted a serious problem that is related to the particle
analysis in ImageJ.
We have developed a macro that counts bright cells on a dark background
in a monochrome 16-bit image.
The macro itself consists of some basic functions like rolling ball
background subtraction, maximum entropy threshold and particle analysis.
By coincidence we have found a deviation in number of counted cells
using the same macro in combination with a different version of ImageJ.
We tried version 1.37J and version 1.38V. We were suprised that there is
a difference in cell counting due to an updated version of ImageJ.
Maybe more people have encountered this?
Kind regards,
Christian Breukers
Ing. Christian Breukers
Biophysical Engineering Group
Faculty of Science and Technology
University of Twente
Building 28 Zuidhorst
Room ZH273
P.O. Box 217,
7500 AE Enschede
The Netherlands
P.: +31 (0) 53 489 3021
P.: +31 (0) 53 489 3875 (Lab)
F.: +31 (0) 53 489 1105
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