Plotting (superposing) the profile plot on the image using a macro

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Plotting (superposing) the profile plot on the image using a macro

Hello, I have been plotting a profile from my image and saving data in a macro. I use a macro as the line I need to plot the profiles on is carefully determined and precisely located. Now, I would like to overlay it to my image, i.e plot the profile on the image itself, with the right scale of course. I can do this using the Line Profile Tool "by hand", but I need to do this on macro. Your help is welcome. Thank you

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Re: Plotting (superposing) the profile plot on the image using a macro

CARL Philippe (LBP)
Dear Agathe,
Is the following code doing what you are looking for?:

run("Blobs (25K)");
run("Size...", "width=512 height=508 constrain average interpolation=Bilinear");
makeLine(45, 39, 462, 45);
run("Plot Profile");
run("Select All");
run("Draw", "slice");

Or did I misunderstand what you wanted?
My best regards,

Le Mercredi 24 Mai 2017 23:14 CEST, Agathe <[hidden email]> a écrit:

> Hello, I have been plotting a profile from my image and saving data in a macro. I use a macro as the line I need to plot the profiles on is carefully determined and precisely located. Now, I would like to overlay it to my image, i.e plot the profile on the image itself, with the right scale of course. I can do this using the Line Profile Tool "by hand", but I need to do this on macro. Your help is welcome. Thank you
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