A new plugin, called "Parallel HRRT Deconvolution", is available at:
http://piotr.wendykier.googlepages.com/parallelhrrtdeconvolutionThis plugin is for motion correction of PET brain images.
- Multithreading (user can choose the number of computational threads)
- Three iterative methods:
* MRNSD - Modified Residual Norm Steepest Descent
* CGLS - Conjugate Gradient for Least Squares
* HyBR - Hybrid Bidiagonalization Regularization
- Two interpolation schemes (Nearest Neighbor and Trilinear)
- Automatic determination of distinct head positions
- Different output types (Same as source, Byte, Short or Float)
- Single and double precision
- Show iterations option
- Non-modal GUI
- The plugin can be called from ImageJ macro.
I hope you will find it useful.
Piotr Wendykier